Where is the moneyGood post Pierre. ABX needs to do a lot of development drilling on the project and thats money well spent as it reduces production cost once the plan is in place.
If we do have $20M we should have at least 50% of it invested in physical gold (not ETF unless they are convertable). Dollars values are going to get hammered due to the insane rate of money being printed. We have seen CDN$ go from its high this summer, down 20% and we will see the same devaluation through the total fiet system. Dollars should not be held in any volume greater than what is required to do the field work, run administration and make aquisitions. There is not a safe currency out there and having all your dollars in any bank or financial right now is the perfect way to lose it. The company should also be doing everything in it power to get this stock price up to where it belongs so that it can be used for leverage into aquisitions.