Lots of Capital AvailableThere is lots of new capital available to AAA lenders.
For example, the US plans to invest $700 Billion into banks by way of 5% preferred shares.
The banks lend on a 10 to 1 ratio.
The $700 billion becomes $7000 billion or $7 Trillion.
This means the banks borrowed from the US government at an effective interest rate of 0.5%, which is 1/10 of 5%.
The government gets its return by an expanded economy and its tax base. The government also has reduced costs, by not paying unemployment benefits etc.
Therefore the banks have borrowed at 0.5% and if they can lend at 3% they make buckets of money.
However at this time, this money is only available to the highest quality borrows. An established large electric utility would easily qualify to borrow these new funds.
Therefore the EF current short term financing facility can be swapped into a long term financing structure, but it probably requires a major utility to do the financing.
I am expecting a coal fired utility to buy out EF.