Oil PriceJust wanted to share a thought about the current price of oil as acommodity.
I believe it was established with some degree of certainty that therecent record spike in the price of crude was attributed at least inpart to rampant speculative buying. Are we now seeing oil as acommodity being shorted to extreme?
With the current economic situationand a drop in demand, could it be that greedy market manipulators arepushing all the fear buttons and creating an extreme once more - in theopposite direction.
If you want to make obscene amounts of greedy gainyou need to use one of the two most effective tools of the trade - FEARor GREED. We've got plenty of fear already...perfect conditions forshorting gains.
Has free market capitalism come to this point? Howlarge a factor is supply and demand and what really drives the price ofcommodities?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.