Edward MarkeyThis Democrat will be replacing the Republican Boucher as chair of the Energy and Air Quality subcommittee, which has legislative powers on energy policy. He's backed legislation that essentially stopped licensing of coal fired plants in the past. This bodes well as another step toward action that's going to back oil over coal and nat gas over oil and of course nuclear over coal for baseload power generation.
If I could buy two U companies, my picks would be URE and HAT. I was fortuitous to pick up some HAT in the $1.30s earlier this month and while tempting to sell at 2.00 today, I think this jr has the legs to go far. Just wait till they start drilling the most prospective zones in Jan. The key to HAT was their use of an innovative seismic process to discover their zones. I wouldn't touch that jr for a handful of good reasons, though I've DD them mind you; that co. is now contracted to do seismic work for Cameco. Anyway, URE continues to lounge well under the cash in the bank and is run by excellent, focused management. Anyway JMHO but URE will do very well as long as it sticks to the game plan.