RE: Pinetree Investment News I can understand why people like PNP, with its diversified basket approach. If you hold any jrs it better be something trading way under NAV and or cash or producing CASH MONEY and lots of it. What is really hard is to own a jr mining company that has killed them as it has NO hope of ever getting developed and no money.
I bot into an oil and gas seismic co. that netted $38 million in net income in 2006 and 2007. But they expanded too quickly including spending $24 million for seismic data this year. With 42m outstanding, Market cap of UNDER $8 million because they now have to finance an expired convertible deb. of just $7.4m!!! Made $1 million after 3 quarters this year w/ the slow down in oil and gas and this included $28 million in non cash outlay depreciation expense. - they own the largest 3D data set in the BC (Montney) - that's got to be worth something!!! So its a cash flow machine but w/ a need for a financing of under $10m and gets slaughtered!!LOL! T.DVT if interested in taking a look and maybe selling a dog for something that has got a problem yes, but must be 100 times better risk/reward than bleeding to death slowly.