Re Walter1000I am sorry I spoke the truth about Beaumont, sometimes it can hurt ones ' feelings if they are intimate with that person. I can take my licks in the market, and I don't hold anyone accountable for my losses either. If the truth hurts so be it. It is tough enough to make money in any market, but I draw the line when I have been bald faced lied to. Like I said, I like Jasper mining the company and their prospects, I just don't like some of their associates. So the first thing I did was scrape the barnacle off the boat. The few shares I held were not worth hanging on to, and I had ought them on doing my own research, not anyone elses. You stated you are a bit stumped; I take it that you are a bit confused in other words. As far as making remarks with no substance, I could substantiate more facts than you could comprehend. That would appear quite evident, as you stated in your Nov/18 posting that you had held Jasper shares, coming up ten years, and then in your Nov/27 posting, you stated that you have held them almost five years ? At least I state the facts, if you are going to make up a story, at least be consistent, it is starting to make you look like a certain party in question. As far as not taking any of my advice, I thank you for that.