RE: Bankers Petroleum Improves/ O.T.OT: But I happen to own Divestco T.DVT which is listed on that Daily Bulletin someone posted. For a company that has generated NI of $19.5 million in 2006 ($.60 EPS) and $17.5 million in 2007 ($.45), I lucked out in calling the bottom at $.18. NAV of $3. w/ 42 million out. Drilling related service co. w/ the biggest 3D data package in BC (Montney - Tri Star, Galleon etc.)... also in Alta and Sask. Yes it is over levered AND we have the slowdown in drilling due to the credit bubble and commodities pricing - definitely not good - but per my posts even this year a B/E one their costs include $28 million in non cash dep'n! So now they have stopped all unnecessary expenditures and making deep cuts. The problematic DEb they need to refinance $7.4 million!!, doesn't seem like the end of the world to me.