down side for oil $37 dollarsif it makes it......When I bought HOD this summer @ $6.39../ $146.00 oil price...there was lots of talk out there that oil was heading to $160-$175-even $ of course all this talk came in near the TOP, PEAK or within the last few weaks before Oil prices headed over the top and started it's Bearish move LOWER.....LOL
IT SEEMS THE SAME.......everyones bearish, people are forgetting that it's cheaper to buy surface oil than it is to buy the stuff in the ground which makes for interesting times...Been here before in the late 90's, couldn't give an oil company away....than BOOM, oil started heading higher....
At $35-$45 oil producers will shut in production to save money that is hard to come by.....Higher Oil prices are coming 2010-2011......2012 $200 and China will take over as the new Super Powers....economically...the U.S dollars will evaporate next year and gold and oil will start moving higher.....