RE: BMO is a screaming sell..........It looks like YappyYannio awakes once again from his slumber with more useless drivel. I guess DividendDolt came to your rescue last week after making a jerk of yourself and now I suspect it's time to return the favour.
Now Yannio are you trying to pick a fight with BlueTdiWagon? I happen to agree fully with his assessment on the preferred share issue. Why would any healthy bank feel the need to issue more shares and raise more capital? Just another red flag for your digestion.
Now DividendJerk suddenly showed up uninvited on a few PM threads roasting those stocks without any facts. Of course that was his 22andstupid alias. On top of that he had the nerve to promote banking stocks (of all things) as well. It should come as no surprise that gold bugs have no time or patience for bank bugs. To make matters worse for himself he continued to gloat about how much money he has (had.....maybe) and that he's investing in properties all over the planet (in a collapsing market I might add) with his dividend income. Everything DividendDummy gets on this thread he deserves times 10.
Now UselessYannio what part of 'shorters have the right to post here' do you find difficult to understand? .....but I understand why your miserable...........and I would be too if I lived in the NW end of Calgary.