RE: Nice day...Been following this one for a while. Silver really is not one of my fav plays but this is stock is still at an OK price. Timing is always an issue. A few up days on materials and then ... plop. I'm worried about the dreaded mini bear-market rallies when it gets ahead of itself and new data comes out and people realize - "oops we're still gonna be in a recession for another year". We've had a few mini-peaks since the big drops in Oct-Nov. Do you think these material stocks (gold, copper, moly, ...) in general and this stock in particular really is ready to break higher and not come back to theiur lows any time soon?
Obviously a tough call but I see no data indicating the recession is gonna be over in say 6 months from now. Worldwide recession = reduced demand for raw materials. I suppose what I'm saying is I expect all these and frankly other stocks period to trade sideways for some time.
Yours and other opinions welcome.