A News Article punting Alternative Power Sources fPlease find attached a link to an article from a Fort Smith newspaper proposing hydroelectricity as an alternative for diesel at the various diamond mines.
Actually, there is nothing new about the idea. Pundits have been talking about laying hydro lines from Pine Point to the Diamond Fields of Hope for years. News articles have previously reported the biggest obstacle to the project has been the L'utsul Ke First Nations Band who've expressed concern about opposed such power lines crossing their territory.
Find a snippet from the article below.
I would appreciate input and comments.
"The Northwest Territories Energy Corporation (03) Ltd. (NTEC), a subsidiary of the NT Hydro Corp (owner of the NT Power Corp) is one of three partners in the Dezé Energy Corp... a source they say outshines already established diesel plants at the mines, will make them more economic, encouraging future expansion...DeBeers Snap Lake mine that just opened and Gahcho Kue mine are projected to have a 20 – 25 year life...Oil is at $43 a barrel now and was at $143 this summer...With that kind of volatility and with energy one of your most exp..."