RE: RE: Still most hated stock in think that all the cars will be electric in the near future... or even over the next decade ...sorry ....don't hold your breath on that one...!!
I might start to worry if they were able to build an electric 747 that can cross the Atlantic in one charge, or an electric highway transport truck fully loaded that can travel 1200 Km in one go, or a farm tractor...or a car or truck that will perform like a gas or diesel vehicle...but they can't... and they have had years and years to try.
The tree huggers are going to shi# themselves when all those 300 pound batteries with very toxic metals in them drop dead in 5-7 years end up in land fills....and cost half the price of the vehicle to replace...fact!
Or that they will need way more electrical plants to charge all these wonderful cars... at... I am sure ...a very high power bill... so you can drive 50-80 KM before you have to recharge the damn battery again.
Sorry ...the cheapest energy and most convient is still you guessed it ...oil energy and will be until we can't find anymore, or it takes more oil just to find more oil which ever comes first!!!
It's cheaper then bottled water!!!! Hard to beat that price with any other energy source now, or in the future.
But hey... have your problem