re rhales postGood day room.. I have been reading the odd post throughout the holidays, but didn't want to ruin my holiday season by getting in to a grudge match with scammee or anybody else.. Now that the holiday season is almost over, I thought I might put in my 2 cents...Roy... No need to appologize...We are all in the same boat..There is no question that every person on this blog or any person currently holding Global stocks, has at one time or another, bought in to what scammee has offered....With out a doubt, most of us has considered dumping the stock at a loss, and get on with bigger and better things...However, the fact is, that I, and many others, believe that this stock is going to take off...That, coupled with the fact that we are all, obviously in this too deep to simply jump ship...In all the rhetoric that I have read to this point, 90% has been personal attacks, 5 % has been based on prior Companies and their dealings, and the balaance has been legitimate concern...There is not a Compant trading on any stock market anywhere, that would not hit a 5% concern level...
So, as you have said in the past, as has many others on this blog, weigh the direct evidence, and decide whether or not you want to continue.. It's that simple..For me, I choose to hang in there, and I believe this stock and this Company is going to pull through...There is no DIRECT evidence, to suggest otherwise...Although they may be falling a bit behind their deadlines, no one can disprove what they have accomplished to date, and once some of these contracts are signed, we will benefit... It is the easiest thing in the world to comment negatively..It's human nature...I don't blame scammee for being angry, based on his past dealings with certain individuals and their past companies...I am not going to hold that against him, but I am sure as hell not going to listen to it anymore either, until I see a headline that states Global 8 is a scam, I am not interested...There is still a couple of good folks on here, that are much more positive, and those are the blogs I will be reading from here on out..Until then, happy trading and hang in there all...We are all going to benefit from this...Keep the faith