First of all I am not a nurse. I am an Investor. A good one too.
Now do you see what you have done? Foolish man has forced these good folks to contact me to re open the $FCO forum. Now foolish one you will be out here talking to yourself.
I'm sure you have heard of slander. If you continue to call me names I'll sue you for everything you own. Do you follow me?
You know very well you are hanging on to this forum by your finger nails and are ready to get the boot.
I'm giving you fair warning here. Mind your manners and quit acting like a child. Name calling is a no no my friend so don't force me to take action.
A few years of your garbage is enough.
Another thing: There are ordinary people who come to these forums in an attempt to make some money so the won't need to retire in need. They just want enough to keep eating. These people do not know much about investing and have thin skins. They get scared away and usually lose what little money they have.
For you to intimidate, humiliate and ridicule these people is a sin of the worst kind. You are ruining peoples lives. You are causing stress in people. You are nothing but a bully and I bet my bottom dollar that in a ring you would jump over the ropes to get away from a 90 pound weakling.
You would never go to an AGM and introduce yourself as Hey99. You know that you would never walk out o your own.
You are brave with your mouth because you are hiding behind a computer screen. Come out from behind the screen and let us see who is Donna and who is a coward.
Do you not feel that helping these people is a much nobler cause?
Anyone want a good forum contact Pete.
Good luck to you all