Some Aspects of Beryllium Disposal in Kazakhstananybody knows something about connections between Purdue Unisversity and UMP?
Have a look at the powerpoint presentation on the IB website, page 21/34. Kazakhstan at least is named as an area of interest... Connect the dots...
Abstract;Historicallyin Kazakhstan all disposals of used beryllium and beryllium wastedmaterials were stored and recycled at JSC "Ulba Metallurgical Plant".Since Ulba Metallurgical Plant (beside beryllium and tantalumproduction) is one of the world largest complex producers of fuel fornuclear power plants as well it has possibilities, technologies endexperience in processing toxic and radioactive wastes related withthose productions.
At present time only one operating Kazakhstanresearch reactors (EWG1M in Kurchatov) contains beryllium made core.The results of current examination of that core allow using it withoutreplacement long time yet (at least for next five-ten years).Nevertheless the problem how to utilize such irradiated berylliumbecomes actual issue for Kazakhstan even today. Since Kazakhstan is themember of ITER/DEMO Reactors Projects and is permanently considered aspossible provider of huge amount of beryllium for those reactors sothat is the reason for starting studies of possibilities of large scaleprocessing/recycling of such disposed irradiated beryllium. It is clearthat the Ulba Metallurgical Plant is considered as the best site for itin Kazakhstan. The draft plan how to organize experimental studies ofirradiated beryllium disposals in Kazakhstan involving National NuclearCenter, National University (Almaty), JSC "Ulba Metallurgical Plant"(Ust-Kamenogorsk) would be presented in this paper as well as proposalsto arrange international collaboration in that field through ISTC(International Science Technology Center, Moscow). (author abst.)