RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: buy fri sell mon theoryThe MANTRA of world banks right now is."last one to zero is a rotten egg. you can't see that coming? Canada alone will have interest rates near zero by March. 1/2% would be the high end. You can horde all the gold you want. but let me tell you this. you can't go to the store and buy bread to eat. Watch for hedging programs too set in almost a given here. Gold is a technical play that's all. don't kncok yoruself out watching what a bank is going to do. just refer to tha mantra and you'll be grounded. Off topic.. some of my friends just cashed in between 200 and 300K yesterday buyign back their shorts on That company was broke 8 years ago after Roth left. it was a gift for shorts when they did the reverse split. almost a sure thing at the time and it ended that way. The other one they have been short off the reverse split is Air Canada. You just gotta knwo they will file this year.