Here another angleMost of these companies, CDB, AIX, GM, and NAG are run by promoters who operate out of Howe street in Vancouver. They know each other very well. Another common point is that they are dying a slow death, just look at the stockwatch home page, company after company are imploding whether it be delinquint filers or whole board members resigning because they see no hope in the venture they are involved in. Now back to CDB and this imaginairy 480 foot coal intercept. First of all the company who drilled this imaginery 480 foot coal seam would surely of known that a coal seam of this thickness would be worth a fortune don't you think? Do you people really think that this seam existed and nobody knew about it or did anything with it? In my opinion all the above companies I mentioned are on the ropes so for them to survive they will have to merge or jv their properties because we know that there is no money available for juniors unless you have a project that is well advanced and has a proven reserves on it and even then the reserve better be low cost to extract and of high grade/quality or else you will not get any money from these markets. And even if these companies merge they will still won't have the funds to properly explore the properties they have. Now remember what I said about the people running these companies are all Howe street buddies. Ok here is my theory suppose GM did mistakenly put some information on a map like a 480 foot coal intercept just long enough for somebody to come across it and plaster it all over the bull boards. I am not saying that GM did it on purpose or that it may have been indeed a typo. Now this typo just happened to be on CDBs permited property. Maybe GM is in talks with CDB for a possible merger. You see what I am getting at here. It is of my opinion that this 480 foot ghost of a hole is just conjecture on the part of one bullboard poster and now desperate investors are being led to the slaughter house. Only time will tell whether it is all fact or fiction. In the mean time I would bet that CDBs stock price will return to it's real price once the truth is known. IMHO