RE: I have to admitWise fool,
I just want to say that the tone of our friend as well as his language and digs are not only childish and immature that his posts defy logic.
He can insult me all he wants. I can take it. i can also fight back but what he is doing (and he knows full well) is insulting me, women, gays and just about everyone else in order to attempt to stir up trouble.
I am shocked that Stockhouse has not told him or them to take a hike a long time ago. he isn't even an oddity or a forum mascot positive or negative. He is just a mean spirited bully who hides behind a fake name where he is safe.
I have made alot of friends here on these forums as well as when I was Nursing. It mattered not to me an individuals tastes or lifestyle choices. So long as they are respectful of others and get the work done efficiently, they have me for a friend.
The issue that bothers me most is the fact that these people have no feelings for the under dogs or the weak and infirm. They have no regard or empathy for the timid.
I have received pms from elderly and young with very little money. Many elderly just trying to make a few more dollars to top off their retirement monies which usually leaves them well below the poverty line. These people are afraid to lose a dime and I don't blame them. When you get a neg on the forums like this yo yo, it tends to scare these people away, many of them believing the negativity and selling thus losing what little they have left.
I leave myself open to these people and will give advise or help in any way I could. After all, there was a time when I was one of them.
Good luck to all of you.