Taylor says sell Aurcana LOLAnyone who listened to this guy's advice lost 90% of his investment. Buy Aurcana at $0.94 and sell at $0.14 ? LOL
He also recommended to buy FR at $4.50 (First Majestic) and sell at a $1 What a noob! Is he a paid crook of some kind ?
"Taylor hasdecided to "clear the deck" of all silver stocks" With such a statement he pointed out to his followers "I don't care about you or your investments and I don't take responsibility for my recommendations"
So basically, do everything opposite to what Taylor says and you will make good coin.
2009-01-27 14:39 ET - In the News
Jay Taylor in the Jan. 13,2009, edition of Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks tells readers to selltheir Aurcana Corp., recently 14 cents. Mr. Taylor said buy on Nov. 14,2007, at 94 cents and on June 12, 2008, at 54 cents. Assuming a $1,000investment for each of the two buys, selling the total $2,000investment at 14 cents would yield a loss of $1,622. Mr. Taylor hasdecided to "clear the deck" of all silver stocks because of thepowerful deflationary environment in the United States. He believesthat policymakers will not be able to overcome this deflationaryenvironment, no matter how much monetary and fiscal stimulus they pumpinto the economy. The newsletter writer points to the Great Depressionas an example of when a stimulus package did not work, noting that debtand other economic problems were much less severe during the GreatDepression than those faced today. Mr. Taylor expects gold stocks to dowell this year, but does not expect silver stocks, like Aurcana, tofollow gold's lead. Accordingly, the newsletter writer sees nocompelling reason to own silver stocks at this time.