RE: Wow, this is cheap! - IR responseWe appreciate your position in EPL.
We haven't set a schedule for 2009 yet. I anticipate that there will be
some work by our Option partners on the Kalum, Elsiar, Titan, Ice River and
Blende. Again we don't know what their plans are. I do anticipate that
there will be some scaling back in exploration, particularly drilling, due
to the current economic conditions and our desire to preserve capital.
Likely we will be working on our projects that are accessible by ground
transport and use very small camps, again to keep costs down. This will
work pretty good as we have been quite busy on our more remote, heli access,
projects over the past few years.
I hope this helps to answer your question and give you an indication of our
strategy during this downturn.
Kind regards
Michael Labach
Investor Relations
Eagle Plains Resources
1 866 486 8673 (Hunt Ore)