RE: Still thoughtshere are my thoughts regarding the impact infrastructure spending could have on SLQ....the feds have cash they want to give out......the only stipulations is they want it spent quickly...."shovel ready" so to speak. How many major cities will have these types of projects ready to fly? Almost none, or at best, one or two projects that can get a shovel in the ground within 2 or 3 months.
Here we have GREEN technology that will enhance a cities infrastructure, reduce energy consumption AND lower ongoing maintenance costs. And talk about being shovel ready........this technology can go from thought to plan to implementation in probably a couple of months. There will be lots of dollars available and not enough projects to qualify for the cash.........I'm sure some well paid mandarin working for a large canadian city can have a proposal ready with a few weeks.
The management of this company has a short window that just opened, to find out the criteria the feds are using to dole out the cash and tailor their marketing efforts in that direction.
Is as street-light software management system really infrastructure? It sure can be when the feds are footing the cost.