RE: RE: Next milestone - GBM pet scan
scroll down to mortality
Onlymodest advancements in the treatment of glioblastoma have occurred inthe past 25 years. Although current therapies remain palliative, theyhave been shown to prolong quality survival. Mean survival is inverselycorrelated with age, which may reflect exclusion of older patients fromclinical trials. Without therapy, patients with glioblastomamultiformes uniformly die within 3 months. Patients treated withoptimal therapy, including surgical resection, radiation therapy, andchemotherapy, have a median survival of approximately 12 months, withfewer than 25% of patients surviving up to 2 years and fewer than 10%of patients surviving up to 5 years. Whether the prognosis of patientswith secondary glioblastoma is better than or similar to the prognosisfor those patients with primary glioblastoma remains controversial.
Achieving 6 months survival with treatment will be quite an achivement. These people have 12 months to go.
4601 will probably work. Interim results from 20 patients is due shortly.... If all of em are still alive.... this will be a huge victory over cancer!!!