BC Hydro writes with respect to the Evidentiary Update filed as Exhibit B-10 in the 2008
LTAP proceeding, and in particular with respect to BC Hydro's request for an amendment to
the Order sought to reduce the Clean Power Call pre-attrition target to 3,000 GWh per year.
The Evidentiary Update includes a load forecast which projects future electricity needs in
British Columbia within a large range of outcomes. Even this large range may not necessarily
capture all of the uncertainties inherent in possible future demand for electricity. These
uncertainties include those associated with the recovery of the economy which is related to
world economic events, as well as opportunities created by British Columbia initiatives.
Further uncertainties and opportunities result from the potential future demand created by the
transformation to a low carbon economy, a British Columbia initiative as well as a world-wide
trend. These further uncertainties and opportunities include the switching from other fuels to
electricity for personal transportation, mass transit, heating and other applications. As a
result of all of these uncertainties and opportunities, and the 2007 Energy Plan's goal to
achieve electricity self-sufficiency by 2016, BC Hydro does not want to limit its opportunities
to acquire cost-effective renewable power through competitive processes with independent
power producers.
Pursuant to Section 18 of the Clean Power Call Request for Proposals (filed as Appendix M,
Exhibit B-1-1), in awarding Electricity Purchase Agreements (EPAs) BC Hydro may in its sole
discretion at the time of evaluation consider the load/resource balance, price and other
evaluation criteria.