RE: some intresting trading
Notice StockTA thinks we are Bullishshort term and
Very Bullish Intermediate ?
I don't know if news is coming based on stock action but at least it has been solid. Glad to see that we didn't leak right back to .08¢ in 2 days. But we will leak if we don't see the lights on in the office pretty soon...
I wish Research Capital was in for a million tomorrow... I'm already in for 500,000 and in green ink right now. I don't want to put anything up on the Ask side as there is enough there already. Want to wait until ACT gets behind their game and starts perspiring as they start scoring.
I think we have been extremely patient with this one and must continue to be patient for payday - but it's coming.
Peter Hodson was on Market Call today. Wish I had been thinking, I would have called it in - he has reviewed ACT before. We should start e-mailing market call and market call tonight asking for guest opinions on this one. You have to target the guest, so North American Small Cap, or Mining Stocks, Technology guests.
If everybody started mailing in maybe they would be curious about what is going on here. Not sure if this story is that WOW for them. For me, we got in on the ground floor of what can promise to be a great company in time. Market kicking the teeth out of every sector was unforeseen and unfortunate and will cost us some time out of our lives. But like everyone else I figure we just have to weather it out.