Very nice newsCan you believe that Financial Report? Sparkling clean! No debt, all capital assets basically paid for. Have to say, this is a very straight forward and good management team. New mine set to open very quickly which will increase revenews by 15 % in 2009. Can you believe those operating costs??? And will go down with the price of oil being where it's at. If gold can hang arround $850.00 and ounce they will be swimming in cash. Just had a report completed on the computer, comparing YRI, K, IMG, and their earnings per share for 2009 will be very close. Will all this make a big spike in their stock price, probably not, as it's quiet and clean and does't have any big stories of major fines. However, for a 2 year investment it looks great. I have 15K's in today and if were to drop a little I would double up on that and sit tight till the end of the year. As a note, I think Obama did a job fantastic today for the average person in the US. However, gold will be strong throughout 2009. Hold on to those shares, when we get more investors into the maket, she'll move to $16.00 fairly quickly.