RE: No Black Friday.I have turned bearish on gold..why? first off too many small people making money now. Just like when oil was up..also the countries thta buy the most goldare not buying as much. the people are all tapped out. Gold as a hedge is not the case anymore. you can't buy bread iwht a bar of gold. what do you do shave it? Trust me you'll get robbed before you could do that.
Gold companies not making money they are soing money so look for hedging to come bac into play.
I see gold dropping $100 an ounce within the next few weeks get ready for it. I'll see you then. thta will be the start to $500 gold. No? Well nobody thought oil could go from $147 to $35 in 6 months or natural gas from $12 and chnage to $3 and change same period...I am short big here the easy money has been made.