Merit and TransparencyWhich part? (you'll say all-brilliant) The statements about where their info was coming from, the statements and info provided to back up my assertion on the Form 51 and it's merit, the problem with getting the financing in June/July, my assertion that last weeks "activity" was IN LARGE PART crosses back and forth? How about the veiled emails sent to me from Shekinglory. I will admit that perhaps the "BigPaul" story was a bit smart but there was nothing cruel or disrespectful, certainly nothing in contrast to the attacks I have gotten from the posters here. No, what the problem is here is that I have a different opinion (supported by at least a reasonable argument) than you. The opposition is not with regard to the MERIT of what I have posted here but due to the fact that I had the gaul to challenge what was written by previous posters and the nerve to suggest that the Managers and Directors of Altima were wrong to not post the Form 51 alongside the other Investor News on their website. In the real world the merit of something is usually only determined after it has been scrutinized and challenged, this is also the purpose of debating something. Please let me know where I have not been diligent and where these posters that vilify me have. The problem we are ALL in now has less to do with the Federal reserve etc as has been posted by others and more to do with the lack of transparency in how we conduct ourselves and our business. Operate as you wish in your world but transparency and fact are the lessons of the future and I recommend becoming skilled.