What does Nag haveGood points
1. Biggest coal permitted land in Saskatchewan 1,436,500 acres 750 coal prospecting permits.
2. They have 2 leading world experts in coal working for them.
3. Adamus property in Sashatchewan ---coal already found.
4. COAL property in West Virginia---- drilling to start this week.
5. Initiated the permit drilling process for parts of their land in Sashatechewan.
6. Just granted options to employees at 10 cents. The present price is 6.5 cents a share. A lot of stocks ive had grant options at the stocks current price. Nag has confidence in their ability to raise the share price.
7. Nag has Louise Lake property in British Columbia----- copper gold molybdenum & other base metals.
8. Other potential properties in Alberta---- Whiskey Gap, Western Basin uranium. Mosquito Gulch uranium in North West Terretories & Raanger Lake uranium in Ontario.
9. Imissed some stuff, but Nag has alot going for it.
Bad points
1. Large float----100 million shares.
This bad point is offset by its low price of 6.5 cents a share.
Take the other coal plays in Saskatchewan & compare their permitted land versus Nag & youll see Nag is huge, therefore the float doesnt matter.