RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: insider buying febThat Flea-sock comment best not of been about me GAnk.
If you can't handle a little critisism then you should not be posting here or are YOU just a yes man basher pretending to be a civilian?
If you think about it you only want to hear phrases that contain "up" I have one for you; 2 words last one " yours "
I read this board to hear what both sides are saying and when it's only going one way i begin to question like any intelligent investor. I don't put my head in the sand and wait till what ever happensl; i keep my head up and intuition quick. If I went around on a witch hunt blaming everyone for being pumpers or basher i would have you on my watch list for sure .... but i've read your posts and they are long and lame mostlikely like your day to day life so stop accusing everyone of being a basher let people figure it out for them selves if they want to do their own DD these posts will be here for many moons so go do somtihng more apppropriate with your time. (Especially if you think acozo is bring down the stock on his lone) geee-pers (thoe he should cool it too, we all knoe people lose money in the markets, whos fault???? enogh with the endless blaming) hint hint
No offense but i have read lots of detlions positive and negative comments/sentiment and actually appreciate it and have nothing more to add. (detlion sorry for bringing you into this)
Ank to gain a little more respect in this chat blog thingy, less idoitic ranting about socks and bozzos and more factual information. I'm guessing lurk stopped posting because he ran oout of proper information because he literally posted everything out there to date( which is also very much appreciated and a gracious thing to do for the neewbies and even veterans of trading) I fit somewhere in the low middle in that catagory. SOme may say thats a pumper thing to do, .... great i still appreciated it.
Out of all this i'm saying more factual less opinion at this point.
Flea Market