RE: Mar 12 Mark to Market rule discussionIt'd be nice to see a 100% increase...but I'd be happy with a significantly more modest one. I have a feeling investors are so shell-shocked right now that no one will be diving in headfirst for a while...although I'll happily be proven wrong..:)
I get a kick of the goldbugs still trying to convince the few hundred people who read this bullboard that dividend cuts are imminent. Nice try. Like I care what an RBC weatherman has to These are the same goldbugs who call anal-lysts every name in the book when they have positive things to say about the banks.
Dividend cuts for any of the Big Five - NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. There is zero need to re-visit this issue this fiscal and every bank knows how devastating cutting their payout would be to their s.p. Not to mention the fact that investors Canada-wide would be absolutely livid since all the chiefs are on record stating that their payouts will not be affected this year. It doesn't take an anal-lyst to see that there's a better chance of Lehman Brothers coming back from the dead than our banks dropping divvies.