Remember it was 17 days....... between the first 2 winter drilling news releases . That represented 20 new holes ( from #27 - #47 ) . It has been 10 days since the last news release. As another poster said, patience.
I'd like to think that GXS is putting together more analysis and deposit delineation for some of the areas rather than simple core intercepts. That may take a bit more time as well. Also, more holes between news releases helps to keep many people in the dark , including salivating majors. As far as we know there are no confidentiality agreements between majors and Goldsource. They are all at the same level of understanding about this play . The bigger the database , the bigger the deposit , the better the confidence levels and the more excited the big boys become about pre-emptive deals or poking around. I wonder how Eric Frier's trip to PRB went?
Here's hoping.