RE: speculationWell Grizz, coming from a guy who barely has a leg to stand on, I'm not sure if I can believe a simple man such as yourself. But I can't argue with what you have laid out as possible. My only thoughts are that leaks from the drill sites seem to be non-existent so the company has done a good job there. The last set of news releases saw a wee bit of a hint in trading prior to the first one. Coal analysis wouldn't be my first choice either unless the suggestion that fairchij got from the GXS boys at the PDAC about 'thermal cooking' has led to much higher grade , like Bit A . I kind of wonder whether the highest probability does lie with # 3 since it involves multiple parties and a greater chance of loose lips. But it is probably #2 as you suggest . #4 might have made me excited a few years back but since you mentioned our failed Falc endeavour I'll leave that one alone. Why open old wounds ? Heck, the skin grafts are just starting to heal!
P.S. Has anyone ever read about non-thermal cooking ?