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Largo Inc T.LGO

Alternate Symbol(s):  LGO

Largo Inc. is a Canada-based producer and supplier of vanadium products. The Company’s segments include sales & trading, mine properties, corporate, exploration and evaluation properties (E&E properties), Largo Clean Energy and Largo Physical Vanadium. Its VPURE and VPURE+ products, which are sourced from one of the vanadium deposits at the Company's Maracas Menchen Mine in Brazil. The Company is also focused on the advancement of renewable energy storage solutions through Largo Clean Energy and its vanadium redox flow battery technology (VRFB). The Company is also engaged in the process of implementing a titanium dioxide pigment plant using feedstock sourced from its existing operations, in addition to advancing its United States-based clean energy division with its VCHARGE vanadium batteries. VPURE+ Flakes are used in the production of master alloys, where it provides high strength-to-weight ratios for the titanium alloy and aerospace industries.

TSX:LGO - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by fleamarketon Mar 23, 2009 9:39pm
Post# 15864681

RE: Insider Trading

RE: Insider TradingNodoubt that error should of been corrected if it is an error, i know they were looking for a pp, i'll take 6.50 for my shares ;-) .   Ank is correct about the information with he an lurk and the other watch dogs that contribute to this board we will be very much informed. GLTA

Flea Market
Bullboard Posts