A view from your mother countryI don't often comment during the week but I think the postings over the last 36 hours warrant a response.
To the best of my knowledge Canadian Law has evolved from your days as a colony and is therefore basically English Law. A slander is committed by the spoken word and a libel by the written word. Therefore the poster is committing a libel, NOT a slander. Secondly the 'libel' has to have had a material effect on the person to whom the libel is directed, in this case the Officers of CYP/SYH, and if directed at a company or business organisation has to have had an effect on the value or trading potential of said company. Serves you right for allowing a trained lawyer loose on this Board !
I do not believe that the postings here constitute such an offence as far as the company is concerned but I am unsure with regard to the individuals mentioned. I have been following this board for almost two years now and many times comments have been made in relation to the Officers of this company that may or may not have been actionable in a Court of Law following the principles seemingly adopted in that other colony, south of your border, where legal actions seem to have become an industry rather that the last line of defence when an individuals rights have been compromised.
Be careful what you say chaps, jokes made with the best intentions can go sour.
Finally I am following Red Lake generally. Rubicon is known and closely watched, but I saw yesterday that Ashburton Ventures(I think that's the right name) have taken an option from Solitaire Minerals on the other side of Red Lake from CYP/SYH. They don't seem to have a website and are described as a 'Capital Pool' company, whats that ?
We get ever closer to assay results, GLTA