Biotechs Cash Rich and TLN
Virochem acquisition last week is indicative of how mid to large Biotech are also on the move to buy smaller rivals.
The discovery of new drug candidates is becoming more and more challenging.
Unmet medical needs are by definition difficult to treat.
After finding treatment for common illness, Pharma and Biotech and moving toward Cancer an growing market.
Cancer is link with aging, bad habits (obesity, smoking etc) and the environment.
Cell Mutations are more common now.
There are lotz of onoclogy companies.
Getting notice is vital.
Lots of me too product.
Very few game changer.
If you go down the list.
Anti-angionesis drugs were the last major step in fighting cancer.
Now, the focus is on intracellular drugs.
Lots of drugs is inhibiting one pathway.
None is able to shut down 3 at the time, ATK - RAS and Rho. That's 4601.
Also, 232 has now a dual mecanism of action - shut down glucosis (sugar convention (eating) in cancer cell and translucation induced Apotopsis.
Thallion is different because they have 2 game changer drugs.
Market will be forced to pay some attention sooner or later.
For current shareholders, a better valuation is to be expected.
Open your eyes to what you have.
This is a pivotal time for TLN, we move into Accelerated Approval from here on.