it's entertaining at the very least So let me get this straight.
Your on this board all day, including the weekend, telling current shareholders and perspective shareholders what an overvalued piece of crap this is to protect them from making a poor, high risk, investment.
Your going to buy at .005 because at that price it's a real deal and most of the risk will have evaporated.
If .005 is the buy in............what's the sell? Oh wait...............yes, if you buy 1 million shares at .005 you will have a cool 5 grand invested.......then you wait for it to go back up to 3 cents and unload laughing all the way to the bank with your 30 grand profit.
Kind of odd the last 6 months (130 trading days) the volume traded for this stock exceeded a million shares only about 8 or 9 times.......and since your such a big player you will probably buy 5 or 6 million that's confidence......dropping 25-30k into a half cent stock. Should be easy to sell too..........I mean, if it moves back up to a penny you can unload everything and double your money........and dropping 6 million shares on the market shouldn't affect the price at all.
That's my thoughts. When people invest in the market they seem to take whatever common sense they have and toss it out the window.
Let me tell you the ONLY rule of doesn't really matter what you buy it for, it's what you sell it for that determines it's success.
Here's what we know..........there might be lots in the ground........base metals might rise.......financing might be easier to obtain in the future.......the location is good relative to future mining and transportation costs.......and it costs 3 cents to get in. Or, there could be nothing, metal prices stay in the toilet and no one would finance it anyway.
My common sense says the risk assumed for the possible reward makes this a pretty decent opportunity.
Watching it every day so you can buy in at half a cent? You can make more working at Timmy's my friend. That's my good advice for you.