OPTIONS?????What is this options crap. You need to do something to get options! Taking the price of the stock from $1.65 to $0.48 is not dioing something guys. I don't care what the markets are like, if there bad thats even less reason to give options. Time for us all to get to that AGM and kick some a$$ out of there. Do a job and justify the company giving options. If these options are excercisable for anything less than $2.50 over the next 24 months these crooks should all be fired. What the hell is the point of doing a 7.5m buy back and then giving the insiders 0.85M as a gift for doing SFA in the past 2 years. Showing up doesn't count guys, proof is in the SP. May be time for a serious share holdsers revolt unless this SP is over $1.50 by the time of the AGM. Put them on notice. I will be more than happy to privide the voting rights on1.5M shares that I directly or indirectly control. How about options for me, I likely have more invested in this company than some of the directors. GET REAL GUYS.