EZ Money!
WOW! What a find. Another source of revenue. I'm guessing the EZ guyspicked this up when the chips were down for the other party in thedeal. Seems to me there were a lot of co.s/property holders/optioneesin the same position since the crash. Extract 10,000 tonnes 26g/t goldbulk 'sample' following the vein down from surface by means of adecline.
How neat is that?
Find a SMALL-SCALE feasible economic resource (my thinking: SMALL isGOOD) which is easily accessible and can be exploited without greatexpense, permitting and other review procedures.
My guess is that this is the way of the future for juniors trying tomake a go of it. Exploration is expensive as we all know. This projectlends itself to immediate exploitation of a previously measured grade(albeit only 3.425 tonnes - 26g/t gold) and if successful, couldproduce almost immediate revenue to fuel the company's explorationefforts AND possibly duplicate this model for every economic veinsystem known to occur on the property - no matter how small in the eyesof a 'major'.
I think we'll gap up tomorrow! Happy trading.