Negative Publicity - Radio One, David RamsayTripped over some commentary regarding Energy Savings and other Energy Marketers. Though I seemed to have missed most of it, I seem to remember them mentioning that something will air tonight @ 6:00PM on CBC Ottawa.
The program on CBC Radio One was very negative, and surprisingly uneducated to say the least. David Ramsay (liberal MP) had much to say, though not much research was placed into his statements. Some of it included the contract process, and how it did not fully disclose all penalties, commitments, and that signing with Energy Savings does not guarantee savings. Mr. Ramay obviously has not looked at a contract lately.
To take it up a notch, he stated that it is in the works, to have Government to step in, to protect the ever endangered consumer. He gave the example of a gentleman that signed up with three energy marketers, in the span of a month. Not only did he sign at the door, but he also re-confirmed on the phone, all three times. Mr. Ramsay went on to say that it was not right that the Energy Marketers did not explain the cancelation costs of the previous contract...... Certainly, there are always bad apples in companies, and some individuals will be subject to examples of malpractice, but I think that for the vast majority of the public, a bit of research is required before blaming others, and requesting government intervention. I find it ludicrous that the Government is even thinking of stepping in and wasting more of my tax dollars because of persons not willing to complete research, read the paperwork (contract) they are signing, or listen to the reaffirmation call.
Interesting to say the least.....