RE: Uh...ohI spoke with Harp concerning the sale and a few other items. He was worried the trade might be interpreted badly. His reason for selling was not for any need for personal expenses. As a big shareholder told me recently, that Harp has only taken a very small salary over the last year something under $20k. He explained he was contacted by a big buyer and someone wishing to unload a bunch of stock. As we all know, liquidity is rather poor so Harp sold 600,000 shares to the buyer to fulfill the trade. The explanation seems plausible to me.
I find insider sales a fairly poor indicator of management sentiment. I remember on the Wheaton River Minerals board (before it was swallowed by Goldcorp) that everyone was up in arms that Ian Telfer sold a large chunck of shares. It was a meaningless exercise of worry as the stock ended up going up four fold. One of the very few times insider sales are meaningful, IMO, is when the majority of insiders unload their entire position in a very short time period. What I do find as significant is when insiders purchase shares on the open market. That, in my experience, has been a good indicator of a stock's future. We have to remember tha Harp owns well over a million shares and has 10 million share options with a strike of 25 cents.
He told me that all of the documents have been filed and he has received numerous calls about the CTO. Harp cannot predict when they will come back with questions and/or lift the CTO. After all we are talking about government workers who are not inspired with speed. I don't think lifting the CTO will be synonymous with the 43-101 approval by the BCSC but that would be huge.