RE: GLD kicks the Snot Out of RYGordo, your graph is not accurate. the facts are simple. those who bought RY recently in the 20's are now able to sell RY in The fourties. Those who bought K, or G, or ABX, or YRI are lower than the were in the same time period.
You are a little hung up on Jim and Alf. While they are passionate and amazing old fellas, I read their material because it is entertaining. It is like a spooky story around the campfire.
I have gold in my portfolio because it is balanced. Fortunately, the diversification keeps the perfomance very high. If I only held SGR, K, YRI, ABX, G, etc the performance this year would be pathetic.
The real performers, compared to the golds have been RY, and TCK.b. and a handful of others.
Perhaps it is best you put your graph away, and start thinking real time.
I hope you do not end up depressed. Life is what is precious...not money.
Onward and upward....Yeswecan