RE: RE: RE: RE: ACB Down Years AgoI wouldn't consider myself an oldtimer but I am one of these guys you refer to WW. I watch quietly for years and averaged down from around $6 to what I thought was a great price of $2, then when it hit the teen pennies I figured my initial investment was worthless so I had 2 choices...... go big and average it down large, or kiss the money goodbye and move on. Well, since I'm hear you can figure out what I chose. Now I'm in big and very happy with my average and holdings. BUT, the good lord himself knows the minute I sell some, or all, my shares due to lack of patience, 5+ years is either patience or a lack of brains I guess, this thing will take off and I will have missed out on a fortune.
My patience, or lack of brains, is certainly being tested though. There are so many good deals out there right now. Blue chippers that will double when the market turns. I was hoping the timing was right that IDC jumped and I rolled into said blue chippers but I'm starting to think I'll miss that boat as well.
Now I need a beer, and 2 more Flames loses.