Daily marker trading reports. 2009/04/27GMI Globestar Mining Diversified Metals & Mining -13,131,300 -13,131,300
That is number of shares sold by insiders. My guess is either/both Fonds Minquest and Karr securities.
"Marker Trading reports indicate if company officers, directors, and other insiders along with shareholders who own more than 10% of company shares have made a trade on either the TSX or TSX Venture Exchange during the previous trading day. This is based on preliminary information reported by the exchange which is collected from third parties. This data is subject to error. Once we are provided corrected information from the exchange, INK will make every reasonable effort to publish corrections to any Marker Trading report that contained inaccurate data by noting the details of the revision in the relevant INK Company Insider report. Corrections will only show up once so this report should be monitored daily if using the Marker Trading data."