High River 2008 statementHigh River posted it's 2008 statement today. Very high cash costs but it is cashflow positive. $0$0$0$0Taparko continues to have mill vibration problems. Company is saying they don't think they will ever get to planned capacity on mill. Says original FS plan of 1million tonnes a year is too high and will likely peak at 800,000tonnes per year. Cash costs were stated at $806/oz of gold produced. $0$0$0$0$0High River continues to be in violation of Royal Gold loan covenants. The continual replacement of board and officers is sad to read. $0$0$0$0$0Don't know if Taparko was Semafo's target but definitely sounds like a troubled mine. Not sure this would be worth buying unless Semafo can get a deal. $0$0$0$0$0Bobwins$0