RE: RE: RE: geologyThis is from BillMiner. He posted his views on th AG site.
I hope he doesn't mind
My two cents from teh core pictures on their website.
The VG is in the latter unit which is from what I can see, a very altered and silicified porhyry. Quite a bit of the quartz rich section on the top is a real nice smoky grey, fuchsite which is a great sign, along with some mineralization, perhaps py or perhaps aspy. The 4.5m section that has been divided up for sampling but not labeled has some very nice mineralization in it. All in all it looks promising, from what I can see I wish it was from my There is only one place labeled with vg, but is that all there is? There is that 4.5 m section that I'm suspicous of, for some reason they didnt want to clutter that up with chalk. If people want to see what good mineralization looks like then look at the middle of the row directly below the row with the vg in it. Remember even if we get ore grade over a good width, thats all thats needed, plus when vg is there you know you have juice in the system.. Good looking rock, the right area, wide interval, strongly altered and siliceous, mineraliazed, altered and we have vg...hope for the best..