RE: RE: RE: Why all the selling!!!?Thanks, Highseas. Your point is well taken, the last 3 million raised was at what the consensus felt was an exorbitant cost and if they need to go back to the well we can expect at least that again. They will hopefully get the vat leaching operation operating at a higher performance rate soon, failing that the new crusher and more vats will need to be relied on to increase production. Of course that will cost more money and the production cost for each ounce of gold will increase substantially. I think we're at close to double the original cost estimates for gold produced now.
Still, our leadership isn't any different, at least from my point of view, than the huge majority of leaders in the junior mining area of the market. We haven't a promoter leading the way but experience has indicated Mr. McNeil set goals that were beyond the scope and reach of reality. If he hadn't pursued an aggressive target campaign likely the project wouldn't have gotten off the ground.(brings to mind I think I recollect you're a commercial pilot). In my own mind Mr. McNeil set his targets in all good faith. I am well aware most here will not agree but I certainly don't think he set the goals with a plan to fail. I hope we have help at site on Sinivit now that can correct the operating problems but I am with a feeling more vats will be required to meet the original production goal. I think it's crucial they properly assess that aspect very quickly and I do hope the financial situation isn't so bad they are unable to establish our operation to be self-sufficient and continue the planned exploration work at Imwauna.
Hopefully we'll find out before very long. I appreciate your courteous reply. Good luck to all, I'm pretty sure we're not exciting any new potential speculators here.