Et DCM a récemment obtenu ce contrat$339M contract awarded on Transit Center
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on Thursday
awarded DCM Erectors a $338.9-million contract on the
structural steel for the Fulton Street transit hub near
Ground Zero. DCM will furnish, fabricate and erect 22,305
tons of structural steel under the largest contract issued to
date for the World Trade Center Transportation Hub.
The steel award covers steel to build the Transportation Hub
to grade. It includes the Transit Hall, the permanent
underpinning of the box for the No. 1 subway line and
Hub-related pedestrian connections that link it to the other
commercial components of the WTC, according to a release.
Additionally, the steel for the transit hub will form part of
the floor of the 9/11 Memorial Plaza, in a design solution
reached to put the memorial project back on schedule. Because
the PATH Hall roof will comprise the Memorial Plaza's floor,
construction of the memorial will be completed two years
sooner than estimated, allowing the memorial to open by the
10th anniversary of 9/11, the release states.
In the release, the Port Authority says DCM's bid came in at
the cost estimate for the project, notwithstanding an 8%
increase in steel prices throughout the region over the past
year. Bids on the structural steel work were vetted earlier
this month by Phoenix Contractors, a joint venture of Fluor,
Slattery Skanska, Granite Construction Northeast and Bovis
Lend Lease that serves as the general contractor for the
transit hub.
DCM has already fabricated structural steel on the Port
Authority's Freedom Tower, also known as One World Trade
Center, and Tower 4 of the three skyscrapers Silverstein
Properties Inc. is building at the WTC site. The locally
based company's other credits include Time Warner Center and
the New York Times at 620 Eighth Ave.