MIstakes Were Made 2Ok, so mistakes were made (and not by me.)
Let’s take a look at the tactics VSI is using to manage this current situation.
- Minimize. I don`t see them minimizing the situation, or trying to make it less than it is. Their original explanation was plain and simple.
- Externalize/blame. They are not blaming or victimizing, thank goodness. Think of the spineless executives who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Interestingly, the blame may just lie on an accounting firm, but they aren`t going there either, taking a moral high road..
- Cut and Run. I think most people would see this as VSI`s chosen tactic: deliver the news, admit error, and then disappear. There may be an element of truth here.
- Work it Through. I tend to see them sitting more in this area. There’s what they might LIKE to say and what they CAN say. VSI has to stay the course until the Securities Commissionis happy. Even though it’s really “business as usual” behind the scenes, they can’t release news related to what’s REALLY happening. Even if they wanted to talk, they can’t…a combination of securities law and their own legal advice.
But, despite everything that’s going on, it really ALL boils down to this ONE truth:
You will either trust the management of this company…or you won’t.
I DO trust the management of this company. I learned after some very stupid decisions to do extreme due diligence. I’ve been a shareholder in VSI longer than any of you. I feel comfortable calling both Samantha and Doug to check-in, and what I really really respect is that they adhere to every letter of the law, they don’t cut me ANY favours…they are very clear about what they can legally tell me and what they can’t. They are ethical and squeaky clean.
I also trust the professionals involved here and now as the people who know best what to do. And I wonder where the armchair critics are on the empathy scale. Because I haven’t met anyone yet who is perfect (despite our tendencies to see ourselves as younger, slimmer, sexier, and smarter than we really are...:)
Sure, mistakes have been made. But as another well-read book says: “let he who is without fault cast the first stone.”Or perhaps: “best to remove the plank from your own eye before you comment on the sliver in someone else’s.”
Ok, off my pulpit and back to work. Nice to be back.
Reverend Gladys