If you have a complaint which you wish to address to the London Stock Exchange, you should put your complaint in writing, including copies of relevant documents and giving as much detail as possible on what has happened. Your complaint should be addressed to:
Regulatory Complaints
Trading Services
London Stock Exchange
10 Paternoster Square
London EC4M 7LS
We aim in general to provide a full response to your complaint within 15 working days of receiving it. However, if we anticipate that it may take longer to respond to your complaint, for example because we need to request information from another party, we may send you an acknowledgement/progress letter pending the eventual substantive response. If we are unable to help, we will provide you with an explanation.
As a result of your complaint, we may start disciplinary proceedings against a firm or quoted company. Obligations of confidentiality normally prevent us from publicising the existence, progress or outcome of regulatory matters including investigations by the Exchange or other regulatory bodies into potential rule breaches or criminal offences. Only if a decision is taken to impose a penalty and to publicise that penalty can the Exchange notify you.