RE: RE: Does managment?i woudl have them learn from their mistakes. They know that the market is fickle one wrong move and down the tubes. To big of an NR and down the tubes. No NR's and down the tubes. Not sure what i would do. If i knew what to do I would have staked some land up there opend up CUT.V. It is just very frustrating to see something that was go to something that isn't for no apparent reason. They have the most coal "So far" in the area. They have hit the loggest hole in North America. They have the most land in the area. They have drilled the most holes in the area. They went to 19 on one hole last may. (Different market). All that being said keeping us informed the would do a world of good. I would break up the NR's into way smaller and more frequent in clusters. They cant hold them for too long but wait for that opourtune moment. They are pretty easy to see now adays. The market shows her colors pretty early.
I hope the bit of a ramble makes any sense. TTY